
Christmas Break

Do you ever just sit there and realize how crazy your life is now? Tonight, as I sat in Pip's dark room trying to soothe her back to sleep, I just looked down at her and couldn't believe she was my second baby. It's just so unreal, you know? I mean, of course I have two kids, I'm not oblivious, but sometimes it just really smacks you in the face and it seems like your ordinary life is beyond belief. It hits me especially hard when I talk to my twin sister. Seriously. I'll be talking to her and then get distracted my three-year old(!!!) and it's mind boggling. I know it sounds silly and whatever, but it's just amazing how your life moves on like normal and then you look back and realize that you've been married for six and a half years.
But anyways, here are some random photos that were taken over Christmas break. It wasn't exactly a break for us because nobody is in school and Andy's work doesn't give him extra time off for the holidays, but it was a break in the fact that I never posted here :) I'm so very glad that we captured some pictures of Andy's tickle fights with the kids. They happen often and the kiddos love them (most of the time), plus they're good entertainment.
And here is miss Pip getting into everything she possibly can. She's gotten into the toilet 5 times in the past week ><

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