I love days of getting out and doing stuff. I really do (I kind of go crazy without them). But I also really enjoy days of not doing anything. My sister's last day in town was a fantastic day of relaxing up at my brother's house playing games, eating food, cuddling babies, and going outside. Last week we had some good weather for going for walks but it would turn cold quick. This was one of those days. Earlier in the day it was super warm and in the fifties, but when we decided to go for a walk it got super foggy and extremely chilly. Needless to say, the walk did not last long. Plus, Charlie had a bit of a meltdown and had to be carried for the second half. But it was very nice to get outside. I'm hoping for some more good weather this weekend!
Good ol' Settlers
Also Wii games, and lots of them
These kids...
Apparently there was a biker that was going to run over our photographer, and that is why half the people are not looking at the camera, but it was the only group picture we got.