
Ben's Birthday Dinner

 The end of July was always a busy birthday time for our family. Kathryn and I turned 26 on the 25th and then Ben has a birthday three days later. My birthday this year was very relaxing but not very exciting, mostly because Andy was recovering from a stomach bug that hit him hard the day before. But it actually was very nice. I ended up running a few errands with the kids and got some free coffee that was absolutely wonderful. Do yourself a favor, if you live in Spokane, get a free Dutch Bros coffee on your birthday. They are the most wonderful drinks. Seriously.
But this post is actually about Ben's birthday. We had a little family get together and it was a fun time celebrating Ben. He enjoys attention so it works out pretty great.
 Typical Ben
 At this point Becca was trying to take a nice picture but Ben thought she wanted to help blow out the candles. It was pretty great.
 Feeding Pip her bottle

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